Vieną lašiuką užtepkite ant varpos galvutės ir klitorio. Masažuokite apie 30 sekundžių.
Vanduo, glicerinas, propilenglikolis, etilheksilglicerinas, natrio poliakrilatas, dikaprililo karbonatas, karbomeras, aspartamas, stireno/akrilato kopolimeras, etilmentano karboksamidas, poligliceril-3 kapratas, kokogliukozidas, aromatas, parfuminė rūgštis, vanilo benzo eteris citrinos rūgštis
Sukurta iš 89,99% natūralios kilmės ingredientų 🌿 pagal ISO 16128, įskaitant vandenį.
I am an aphrodisiac cream that ignites the pleasure for two. Whether I stimulate the clit or the penis, my superpower is to arouse everyone at the same time. I intensify sensations and pro-long the love games so that you can experience simultaneous ecstasy. In all modesty, I am very generous, I like to share.
Why am I worth it?
● I’m a multitasker; I please two people at the same time.
● I create hot and cold sensations
● I am like Viagra for the skin; I intensify your levels of sensitivity
● If I happen to get in your mouth 👅, I have a delicious wild strawberry flavour 🍓
● I am unisex, everyone can enjoy me
How to use me?
One drop is enough to excite each other. Apply to the penis glans and clitoris, and then mas-sage it in for about thirty seconds. Don’t forget to leave a little on the surface for your partner to enjoy too! Sharing is caring.