
‘Safe’ Prezervatyvai 10vnt

Original price was: €15.88.Current price is: €9.90.

“Safe” (Friday Bae) standartinio dydžio prezervatyvai. 18vm ilgio, 55mm diametro, 0.045mm plonumo. Kkybiški ir labai saugūs prezervatyvai. Sutepti ir plonį, todėl jūsų pojūčiai bus labai artimi pojūčiui be prezervatyvo.

  • 10 vienetų
  • Itin ploni.

Pheromones made in france




Vieną lašiuką užtepkite ant varpos galvutės ir klitorio. Masažuokite apie 30 sekundžių.


Vanduo, glicerinas, propilenglikolis, etilheksilglicerinas, natrio poliakrilatas, dikaprililo karbonatas, karbomeras, aspartamas, stireno/akrilato kopolimeras, etilmentano karboksamidas, poligliceril-3 kapratas, kokogliukozidas, aromatas, parfuminė rūgštis, vanilo benzo eteris citrinos rūgštis

Sukurta iš 89,99% natūralios kilmės ingredientų 🌿 pagal ISO 16128, įskaitant vandenį.


I am a protective armour 🛡️with the mission to keep you safe while being as discreet as possible. Thanks to my transparency, thinness, and perfectly lubricated latex, you can enjoy yourself and forget I’m even there. What’s my advice? Use me as an incentive for foreplay.

Undress me slowly, involve your partner, and make it fun. Let’s go!

Why am I worth it?

● My thinness is goals: 0.045 mm
● I respect the planet, I am made of natural latex and made without controversial ingredients.
● I am reliable, I have been tested with electronic rays that detect defects and even the smallest holes.
● I’m lubricated, so with me, it’s smooth.
● I have some interesting measurements, don’t I? 180 mm average length and 53 mm medium width.

How to use me?

Gently remove the condom from its packaging. Then, lay it on the penis, with the edge curled outwards. ( By the way, it’s easier if you have an erection). Gently unroll the condom. It must feel smooth. If you feel that it’s rough, don’t take any chances and open another condom.

Now, it’s time to have fun and take it for a ride! After ejaculation, to remove the condom, hold it carefully. Otherwise, you risk losing it! Finally, throw the condom in the trash, and not in the toilet (or on the carpet :)). Of course, each condom is for single-use and cannot be reused. So please, don’t think about saving money.

Two last things:

1- Don’t hesitate to put some of FridayBae’s water-based lubricant, which is ideal for sexual comfort and to avoid condoms breaking.

2- If you ever feel discomfort during use, take a break. If symptoms persist, contact your doctor.

Papildoma informacija

Svoris 0.01 kg
Išmatavimai 0.01 × 0.01 × 0.01 cm