Pradėkite nuo nusirengimo Tada užtepkite norimą kiekį ant gleivinės prie įėjimo į makštį, išangės ar varpos.
Jei norite, paprašykite savo partnerio tai pritaikyti už jus. Nepamirškite, lubrikantą galima tepti ir ant sekso žaislo bei prezervatyvo.
Vanduo, glicerinas, propilenglikolis, glicerilo kaprilatas, pantenolis, deciloleatas, karbomeras, hidroksietilceliuliozė, natrio poliakrilatas, glicerilo undecilenatas, alantoinas, alavijo barbadensio lapų sulčių milteliai, natrio hidroksidas, citoferolitas, citoferolis.
Sukurta iš 98,81% natūralios kilmės ingredientų pagal ISO 16128, įskaitant vandenį.
You will quickly become my number one stan, because for me, your intimate wellness is non-negotiable! I allow for a natural and long-lasting glide during both anal and vaginal sex!
My mission is to give you comfort and pleasure, regardless of what positions you choose, because your sex life deserves a glow-up. And the best part? I’m French (born and raised) and made with natural ingredients, so get ready to say, “ooh la la!”
Why am I worth it?
● My texture makes me colourless AND odourless
● I naturally reproduce vaginal lubrication
● I allow for more intense and pleasant sensations
● I am gynecologically-tested
● I am compatible with condoms and sextoys
How to use me?
Start by undressing
Then, apply the desired amount to your mucous membranes at the entrance of the vagina, anus, or penis.
If you want, ask your partner to apply it for you. Don’t forget, a lube can also be applied to a sex toy and a condom.
It brings an effortless glide to anal and vaginal penetration, making the sensations more intense, and therefore, more pleasant!