Androstenone (5α-androst-16-en-3-one) Professional high quality single pheromone molecule directly from the Lab.
Important Note! How to read a label?
Some pheromone Molecules are restricted in many countries. So we do not write the full pheromone name (for example A-NONE, means Androstenone). Than “Perfume oil extract” what is the best description for customs.
On the label You will find the number, which indicates chemical Pheromone molecule CAS number (for example 18339167)
Product description:
- CAS Number – 18339-16-7
- Minimum Purity – 98%
- Bottle volume – 10ml
- Bottle Type – Bulb Dropper
- Drops in the Bottle – 200
- Solution – Perfume grade Di-propylene Glycol (DPG), Perfumers alcohol, Isopropyl Mirystate, Pure Androstadienone
Possible Concentrations:
- 1mg/1ml Oil version (10.000mcg in 10ml, 50mcg per drop)
- 1mg/1ml Alcohol version (10.000mcg in 10ml, 50mcg per drop)
- 2mg/1ml Oil version (20.000mcg in 10ml, 100mcg per drop) production time 3-4 days
- 2mg/1ml Alcohol version (20.000mcg in 10ml, 100mcg per drop) production time 3-4 days
- 3mg/1ml Alcohol version (30.000mcg in 10ml, 150mcg per drop) production time 3-4 days
About Androstadienone
- Androstenone is the most powerful “sexual attraction” pheromone we currently know of. It’s also one of the most common human pheromones in most modern formulas, due to its dominant presence and “aura” of sexual prowess. Scientific studies have confirmed it raises arousal levels in women (studies below).
- Women find men with higher levels of androstenone far more attractive than lower levels, which is why it remains one of the core components in most pheromone formulas.
- Known for creating an attractive “vibe”, but also being perceived as dominant, a “bad boy”, or “jock like”. Men may perceive you as someone is of of higher alpha, social, sexual status. Some women may find androstenone intimidating in high doses.
- Projects an aura of a healthy, attractive male with excellent health and reproductive capabilities. This is due to higher levels of testosterone. When excreted to the skin via sweat it is androstenone. Levels of androstenone can be raised naturally by way of proper exercise and nutrition.
- High doses can produce VERY negative effects if you are not careful. If you have overdosed, you may find men acting aggressively towards you, women acting rude, or finding you “creepy”. This is also why most pheromone formulas “buffer” the effects of androstenone with friendlier pheromone molecules.
- Androstenone produces a heavy “sexual” kind of vibe, and is best suited for environments where competition is tough for women – such as nightclubs, bars, parties, and other venues. Using high doses in professional environments is not recommended.
- You will notice a significant increase in touching, kissing, and other sexual advances from women while wearing androstenone.